About Us

About Us
Waipā is an ahupua`a where the land, resources, and people are healthy, vibrant, and overflowing with abundance.
Waipā Foundation’s mission is to restore Waipā’s vibrant natural systems and resources and inspire healthy, thriving communities connected to their resources.
To practice balanced stewardship of Waipā’s natural resources, maximizing health and productivity, and moving toward sustainability. Waipā is a living learning center that teaches, shares, and inspires Hawaiian values and ahupua`a practices; Builds passion, skills, competency in related areas of knowledge; and takes care of its people & communities.
Kūlia i ka Nu`u
Strive for Excellence
Kūlia i ka Pono
Strive to do the Right Thing
Aloha `āina
Love the Land and Resources
Hiki Nō
Resourcefulness and a “Can-Do” Attitude
These are the hardworking and motivated folks who, along with our regular volunteers, keep Waipā beautiful, productive and accomplishing our mission on a daily basis. Most of our team have multiple kuleana so you may see names listed more than once below. In addition to their specific titles/kuleana nearly all of our team also support poi day and the planning and implementation of Waipāʻs programs.
Executive Director
Stacy M. Sproat
Admin & Development
Faith Blalock
Kaui Fu
Olivia Ruff
Emmaleah Stauber
Lea Weldon
Bobbi Akana
Nicole Lucia
Nick Ploeger
Programs & `Āina
Sara Agoot
Faith Blalock
Kirstie Daly
Keala Davis
Kaui Fu
Rick Ham Young
JoAnne Kaona
Kalia Kunioka-Volz
Kaipo Like
Lokelani Mahuiki
Marjorie Milbrand
Kelsey Rogers (KUPU)
Matt Rosener
Olivia Ruff
Kari Shozuya
Stacy Sproat
Emmaleah Stauber
Lea Weldon
Chris Zauner
Waipāʻs board is comprised of a group of visionary, positive and committed community leaders who volunteer their time.
The board meets quarterly and is the primary governing body overseeing Waipāʻs direction and activities.
Dennis Chun President
Presley Wann Vice President
Līhau Hannahs Paik Secretary
Michelle Swartman Treasurer
Donna Aana-Nakahara Director
Lea Kaiaokamālie Director
Gayla Spencer Director
Lillian Watari Director
Dr. Todd Kuwaye Director
Waipā welcomes groups and classes of lifelong learners from all over Hawai’i and beyond, in addition to serving the communities of Kaua’i’s north shore.
Our core target community includes families with multigenerational ties to Kaua`iʻs north shore (Kīlauea to Ke`e) as well as Native Hawaiians and at-risk keiki, `ōpio and `ohana from this area. Every year, our programs serve over a hundred children and youth from this community through programs after school, on weekends, intersession breaks, and during the summer.
These programs focus on cultivating our next generation of community leaders by focusing on enrichment, community building and skills development. The programs also provide continuous opportunities for children and youth to develop a deep connection to place, while learning, practicing and living cultural skills and values from preschool age through post high. Internship opportunities for youth 14 and up introduce work skills and values and provide job opportunities close to home. Although recruiting for these programs generally happens in March/April, those who fit this criteria are encouraged to contact us anytime.
The ahupuaʻa of Waipā is a space for community gatherings, learning and cultural practice.
In all that we do, we hope to foster a strong connection with, and love for, the `āina (land and resources), at Waipā and everywhere else too. Ultimately, Waipā’s community includes each and every helping hand, of all ages, who contribute to the work.