Eat The Invasives

MAKANA WAIPĀ: Eat the Invasives



Aloha friends and `ohana!

After careful consideration and in our ongoing commitment to enhance our initiatives and their impact, we have decided to transition Makana Waipā: Eat the Invasives to a biennial format.

This means that we will not host this event in 2024, and we eagerly anticipate welcoming you to our next gathering in September 2025!

This interim year will be a time of growth and reflection for the Waipā Foundation ‘ohana. We are in the process of increasing our capacity, enriching our programs, strengthening our partnerships, evaluating our impact and planning for the future.

We see this shift as an opportunity to return with renewed energy and are excited about the possibilities this biennial format opens up for us all.

Mahalo for your continued support!

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