NEWS WaipāWinter ReflectionAs we approach the end of 2014, we celebrate, with gratitude, the amazing natural beauty of this `aina of Waipā, of Kaua`i o Manokalanipo, of Hawai`i nei. The opportunity to malama this place, to work and learn, teach and share, and deepen...
Reflections Articles
Hana Hou…Laulima Kakou, Summertime | read article
NEWS WaipāHana Hou... Laulima KakouSummer always means a lot of laulima (many hands working together) at Waipā and this summer has probably seen more hands working than ever before. Waipā’s ‘ohana (family) is an amazing community of unique and supportive kupuna,...
Ahhh… Summertime Here at Waipā… | read article
NEWS WaipāAhhh... SummertimeSummertime at Waipā means lots of keiki exploring, learning and helping all around the ahupua'a. In fact, our program's name, Ma Uka a i Kai, means from the mountain areas to the ocean. Through various activities, our kumu try to help keiki...
Pua Lehua Spring Forth in the Waipā Garden | read article
NEWS WaipāPua Lehua Spring Forth in the Waipā Gardenthe unfurling of a new beginning, a new cycle... In spending time over the past few weeks in the Waipā Native Garden with the keiki during our weekly afterschool program, we have been watching the pua lehua unfurl...
Spring Arrives in the Ahupua`a | read article
NEWS WaipāSpring Arrives in the Ahupua`aRainy season seemed to be especially rainy this year, with the cloud cover remaining almost constant over Waipā through January and February. But seemingly over night, blue skies have returned and the colors of the ahupua'a seem...
Mele kalikimaka a hau`oli makahiki hou! | read article
NEWS WaipāMele kalikimaka a hau`oli makahiki hou!NOTE: Mahalo to Lea for the beautiful pics! With the holiday season upon us and the new calendar year in sight, we take a moment to look back upon 2013. Waipa had an epic year once again: Welcoming the use of a new...

We have raised the funds needed for construction, but still expect significant costs to maintain and take care of this beautiful new facility.
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