
Articles by Stacy

Waipā Christmas Tree Sale 2012! | read article

Waipā Christmas Tree Sale 2012! | read article

NEWS WaipāWaipā Christmas Tree Sale!Buy a local Christmas tree this year and enjoy knowing your purchase will help Waipa continue to serve the keiki and `ohana in our communities! We are so grateful to share that like last year, Susie Pond has chosen to donate all...

Waipā is Now Under Construction! | read article

Waipā is Now Under Construction! | read article

NEWS WaipāWaipā is Now Under Construction!Anyone who has visited us since mid-September will have noticed there are some changes at Waipa, and a lot of activity going on in the big field. What kind of changes? Well, for starters, the big ironwood tree which used to...

Refurbishing Wa`a Just In Time for Summer! | read article

Refurbishing Wa`a Just In Time for Summer! | read article

NEWS WaipāRefurbishing Wa`a  Just In Time for Summer!During the winter and spring of 2011, Waipā staff and interns, led by Trevor Cabell, built and refurbished four wa`a for use in our programs. A four man wa`a pe`a (sailing canoe), two four-man paddling canoes, and...


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We have raised the funds needed for construction, but still expect significant costs to maintain and take care of this beautiful new facility.

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